looking at lists my books are 'ranked' on on amazon

 So, these change pretty frequently, but it's interesting to me to see what lists these books are on, because they're sometimes very specific and I dunno, I just like looking so now if you chose to click on this you're looking too. Let's go! 

This is just in the order that they appear on Amazon. 

First, Serial Killers With Cookies.

That's... pretty straightforward. Someone gets kidnapped, there are serial killers, and there is murder. All right.

Second, Spahn

 Okay, again, pretty straightforward. It's horror, in the Kindle store, and it is very much Literature & Fiction that is also horror. All right. Maybe one day this will be interesting. 

Third, Iscariot.

Oh man, we've got some discrepancy in genre! I tend to classify this book more as Horror, just because like, they're in Hell, but Fantasy Adventure works too. Also, yes, Teen and Young Adult, that's what I write the most of. 

Fourth, The Crucifixion of Craig Knox

Yeah, it takes place in the 1900s... late 1900s, it's 1992 or something like that, but it is technically a historical fiction, which is weird to me, but I call it near-historical. 

The Horror at Camp New Woods

You know, I'm actually going to say this is... a little... gory for straight-up 'Children's Scary Stories', because a boy does reach into the innards of another boy to fetch some knives and it is described, so it's a little interesting how far they're leaning into 'children's' for this one. But otherwise, yeah, horror.


I mean,yes on the short reads; this is only like, 100 pages. Not the only book of mine to be short, but I do agree that it is probably a two-hour read. Crime, yes, mystery, not really, thriller and suspense, sure!

One More Sad Song

I mean, the point of this series is coming of age books for these teenagers in the early 2000s, it just so happens that book two (Horror at Camp New Woods) took a weird turn--but yeah. 

Circus Wings

One main character is a lesbian, the other is a trans guy. It is fantasy. 

So, I do realize that these are mostly due to keywords that I put in when publishing, but it's still kind of interesting to look at? I enjoy doing so, at least. Please check any out that look vaguely interesting to you! I love to share my writing.


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