so march was a fluke

I have read five books this month.

That's not like, awful; I've had worse months (even this year--February, AKA "The Month of War and Peace" was the actual worst), but I'm steadily declining now. This is like... I mean, I'm still sticking to my book buying restrictions, so it's not going to really hurt my progress on the Book Wall Shrinkage, but, you know, it's hurting my progress on the Book Wall Shrinkage.

So in March, after I finished War and Peace on like the first day of the month, I read nineteen books. That is a good number. That's a number I can be proud of. Anything less than ten is where I start to really question myself--and right now, while I'm near the end, I'm reading IT, which, yeah, is long, but I've read that book in four days before? It's like, taking me ten years this time.

And I know--I've got more stuff going on now. I have a full-time job, I have a lot of writing stuff happening, and, you know, the big difference--Steven moved in halfway through March. But that adjustment period is over, and I need to stop just hanging out on my phone while I wait for him to come home from work. 

I definitely could've finished It last night. I've got less than three hundred pages left, which sounds like a lot, but keep in mind--long book, IT. It's a fast read for me, too, or at least it should be, because I've read it half a dozen times.

But I guess the moral of the story is, I'll only get to buy one book for May, and that'll have to be enough. I'll catch up again in June. I've gotta--I still have 932 books to read.


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