update 4-7-2020

I have stopped listening to the federal government.

It's not like I ever listened to them all that much anyway, I was raised to be pretty anti-big-government, I had an IMPEACH BUSH sticker on my door as a kid, but at this point, I couldn't care less about what the federal government has to say about any of this. I'm listening to Burgum, North Dakota's governor, because he's saying stuff that pertains to North Dakota.

One of the reasons why I do think that a big overarching government over the US shoving the same things at each state (in general, not saying that's what's happening) is not a great idea is because of how vast the state is and how diverse it is in population density and production. I am a huge proponent of state's rights because the same things do not apply to every state. Every state needs different things, and in a situation like this, I think that Burgum knows better what's happening in my neck of the woods than anyone in DC.

Things are weird. What's really weird is how easily I have adjusted; granted, like I've said, my life hasn't changed all that much. Before this, I went to work and the grocery store. Now, I go to work and the grocery store. I can't really go thrift shopping now but that's probably for the best anyway. My boyfriend did move in (and we got him on the lease, now, too, so he is no longer illegally living in my apartment!), but he was around so much anyway he might as well have been living there beforehand.

Maybe it's because my county only has two cases, they're husband and wife, and they did everything right--came home from a trip and immediately self-quarantined, started showing symptoms and got tested, and haven't been in physical contact with anyone. I see a couple masks, now--saw an old lady at the grocery store yesterday with one, and once a woman came into my place of work with one on. But mostly people are normal. There's some unease, but mostly it's a lot of restlessness. A lot of, 'when is this going to end?' Gas is super-low, but I don't drive that much anymore; it's good for the boyfriend, he's a delivery driver.

But we're both still working. He's got online classes. My hours are a little short, but it's a matter of getting 330$ in a paycheck rather than 350$, and employees keep kind of dropping like flies--delivery has taken the biggest hit, but we lost one counter who went home when campus closed, and I wouldn't be surprised if the newest counter we hired just quit or got fired because, quite frankly, she is awful at her job and keeps screwing up royally.

But I don't know.


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