genre or age range or what the hell am i doing

The other day I was on Twitter, as you do, and the question got brought up on one of my writer friends (SH Marr, if you're wondering) thinking about authors, and how they tend to gravitate towards ideas. Whether it happens to be age range, or genre, or whatever. And I thought about it for a second. I didn't respond to the tweet because I didn't really have an answer.

I write a lot of male POVs, that's a definite similarity between a helluva lot of my projects. I also tend to set my works very solidly in a recent-past kind of situation; think sixties through early aughts, though that's more of a recent thing. My current first draft is set in like, 1983. My rewrites are 1991, 2011, 1982. And I let you fuckin know. 

I guess I also do gravitate towards horror, but I don't write only horror, you know? The project that I'm currently querying is a YA contemporary. Set in 2004, of course, but it's not a horror novel. Does have a male protagonist, though. A stupid, stupid male protagonist.

Also a commonality. Not a lot of smart people populating my books, and if they're there, they are not the main character. I'd like to share a snippet from one of my recent first drafts that I posted on Twitter:

This one is maybe in the top three of stupidest protagonists I've had, but. He definitely is. One of them. I do love him, though, he's so fun to write I just keep writing books about him! Isn't that fun.

But yeah, that's the question, right? My tastes on how to write have changed as I age. I used to be multi-POV all the time all the time, you know--a book ain't complete if there's only one POV. And now I very much favor single-POV. I tried to write a first draft with more than one POV recently and it turned into just singular, which was. Fun, to have just like, one chapter at the beginning and then well fuck it I don't want to write from his POV anyway. So we'll see. See me in a couple of years with more idiot male protagonists in the recent past, I guess.


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