
Showing posts from December, 2024

hot damn, 2025 is like, two days away

 A part of me wants to say, fuck it, we're closing this blog down. I, honestly, do not think about this blog often. I, honestly, do not even consider crossposting my videos to here anymore. And then I think:  Fuck it, we're moving to tumblr. I'm already familiar with Tumblr, I have a personal blog, I know how it works--and I'm not deleting this, but I will not be posting anything here, won't be updating my book pages. All of that's going to Tumblr. If you are interested, it's not set up yet, but the link will be:

like feral cats

 Third graders are truly like feral cats the week before Christmas. Not that they're being naughty, because they're not--but my god was trying to teach them today like trying to herd cats. Everyone's everywhere all at once! And there are twenty!

get ready for kaz!

 Against all prior expectations, I will be publishing every book I planned to publish this year... probably? I think? I have three weeks left and thirty thousand words left of rewrites, so as long as my cover's done by the end of the month, Kaz at the Approach will be published by the end of the month. Below is the first chapter. Enjoy.