
Showing posts from July, 2024

book rec tag


weekly wrap-up | the first week of school


book haul | junji ito and goosebumps


all of my unwatched movies


weekly wrap-up | lots of rereads


mid-year book freakout... in blog form, because there's no way i'm filming and editing a video in time

  How is your reading going? Ladies and gentlemen, I am BEHIND. It's a tragedy. I'm like thirty books behind my reading goal. Like, I meant to kick it into gear once summer started, but... didn't... exactly... happen? So. I'm behind. Don't think I'll be hitting my goal this year. Best book youā€™ve read so far in 2024? NOT counting re-reads, it's got to be The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead. What a fucking book. Best sequel you've read so far in 2024? Again, not counting re-reads because that's its own question one down, it's The Sunshine Court . Fuck it, I am AFTG trash. And yeah, I have those RainbowCrate editions coming. Favourite re-read? Glamorama by Bret Easton Ellis! It's now my favorite book of all time. Genre you've been loving/reading the most? My top two genres are always horror and manga, but.. I've been getting into fantasy lately. Like, in a way that genuinely frightens me, because I've never really been a straight fa...

all my vinyl | ignore the book landfill


book haul | i'm a freak about goosebumps


weekly wrap-up | gushing about clive barker


the first randomized tbr in the new apt


unhaul | getting pickier
