
Showing posts from September, 2023

back to real writing

 Yadda yadda, published the fifth Aughts Boys book and the first book in a new series ...  But that means that, with both of those out of the way, I can get back to some real writing. I can get back to my three projects that I have left to finish for the year: FLIP FLOP FELONY, GUILLAUME, and CLASS B. Will I finish them all before the year is out? Oh definitely fucking not. But I hope to finish at least one of the three. If all goes well, I will finish all of them. But what are they? Flip Flop Felony, you can probably guess by the title, is the third Abnormal Murders book. First page:    CHAPTER ONE: JUSTINE             “Jesus fucking Christ, Connor,” Adam muttered, heaving Connor’s new minifridge, in-box, up a flight of stairs to his dorm room. “God, why did we kill your family? Jesus Christ.”             “Yeah, they wouldn’t have done this even if th...