
Showing posts from 2022

Top 20 of 2023

 This used to be a Top 19 post, but then I started gaming and I wanted to include my top game that I finished in the year, so instead of taking one off of the books to make it an even ten, I just added one.  So, let's get started with the easy ones: Top Artist and Top Game. Top Artist is decided by whoever Spotify tells me I listened the most to, and ladies and gentlemen, we went straight back to seventh grade with this one, because my top artist was The All-American Rejects. AAR was my favorite band back in middle school. Good times. Top Game--I didn't finish many games this year. I'm not a huge gamer. But, I did finish a few, and out of the ones that I did finish, my favorite was definitely Hiveswap: Act 2 . Once a Homestuck, always a Homestuck, I guess. I just really liked seeing all the trolls and also had a physical reaction of mild terror when we got to the purples.  Now, movies. Top 7 movies/TV shows. The only rule with these is that it can't be a rewatch--same ...

publishing wrap-up 2022

 Hello, hello--it is that time of year, the end of the year, where I take a look at what books of mine did the best, what did the worst, and let me tell you, it is absolutely the worst book-selling year so far. My first year that I had books out, 2020, I made 200$. Last year I made 80$. This year? $63.74.  Thank God for day jobs, right?  But! I don't do this for the money, obviously. I do this because I love it. But let's take a look at this broken down. I have twenty-two books out.  First, let's get the ones that made zero money out of the way. Didn't sell a single copy, no KNP pages read, nothing.    Iscariot This one is actually shocking, because it has been my most popular book, consistently, since it came out. It was my first book, the first in a five-book series, all of which is out now, following a bunch of kids going to Hell and meeting up with the people who are trying to take over. Urban fantasy/horror/adventure. It's a fun time.  Spahn This ...

Reading Wrap-Up | Books 111-115


My 5 Favorite Classics


Reading Wrap-Up | Books 106-110


Long Walk Lectures | Peter McVries Dropout, I Hate Stebbins, Barkovitch v Olson


Reading Wrap-Up | Books 101-105


Let's Talk the West Memphis Three

  can't believe i went this whole video without mentioning the book i wrote based on this case

Reading Vlog | June 17-June 20, 2021


Let's Talk the Last Podcast on the Left


October Book Haul and Unhaul | 2020


Let's Talk Songs that Will Make Me Cry


November Book Haul/Unhaul | 2020


TBR MASSACRE: 8.11 thru 8.17

  BOOK WALL START: 2144 BOOK WALL GOAL:  2130  Thursday, August 11 Book Read! Final Draft by Riley Redgate I thought this was fun in the way that I do really enjoy books about writing. And this was definitely about writing. Had some moments I didn't expect; overall, not bad. 2143 Friday, August 12 Book Read! Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel Man this one took me a while. it was very well-done, but I know nothing about Tudor England, which definitely did hamper my enjoyment. Very fun. Very great. I lost momentum two hundred pages in and then it was a bit of a slog. But this did make me excited to read her French Revolution book, because I do know about the French Revolution.  2142 Saturday, August 13       Book Read! Letting Ana Go by Anonymous Oh man. Follows the script. Feel like this one might actually be used by teens with eating disorders to like. Uh. Get "better" at their eating disorders. Probably kinda harmful. 2141     Book Read! I Hunt K...

TBR MASSACRE: 8.4 thru 8.10

BOOK WALL START: 2149 BOOK WALL GOAL:  2140  Thursday, August 4 Book Read! Haikyu! 8 by Haruichi Furudate I'm starting to think that vol 6 was just a fluke, or I was just reading it in a bad state of mind or something, because this was absolutely fantastic. I loved this book. I love that we got some of Yamaguchi in there and I'm excited to see them grow, Sugawara has my whole heart... so sad that I don't have vol 9 or have a way to get vol 9 in the near future. I'm gonna suffer. 2148 Book Read! The Gravity of Us by Phil Stamper This book stressed me out, man, but by the end I was grinning hard it was so cute. I thought the main character was interesting, definitely flawed, definitely had some relatable aspects--I think this book was really hyped before it came out but then I never heard anything about it afterward, which is a shame.  2147   Friday, August 5 Book Read! High School Debut 1 by Kazune Kawahara So, due to my feeling that, I don't need to read manga in o...

Let's Talk Rural America


TBR MASSACRE: 7.28 thru 8.3

  BOOK WALL START: 2156 BOOK WALL GOAL: 2138 Thursday, July 28 Book Read! A Light in the Mist by Erin Hunter And look at that, another warrior cat arc down. I think this one does have some interesting implications for the next arc, though you can also completely tell that these guys are running out of shit to write about and they kind of wrote themselves in a corner with all of the supernatural stuff. I feel like we need another good physical villain that is not dead already. Kinda like a Darktail situation, I guess? Bring in someone strong and ambitious. Give me a real Tigerstar 2.0 2155 Friday, July 29 Book Read! Right or Wrong by Aurora Dimitre Yes, this is my own book. Buy + read this if you want to read about a kid who becomes friends with a douchey kid and then the douchey kid bullies a kid to suicide and our first kid is like, pretty conflicted about the whole deal.  2154     Saturday, July 30  Book Read! Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare Th...

TBR MASSACRE: 7.21-7.27

  BOOK WALL START:   2158 WEEKLY GOAL: 2148 Thursday, July 21 Book Read! 1 Year, 100 Pounds by Whitney Holcombe.  Do I think that what she is saying is factually true? A lot of the time, yes. She is right that if you want to lose weight, the only foolproof way is to eat less, move more. Do I also think that she really needs to like, calm down about... butter and stuff? Yeah. Butter on your toast in the morning is not going to make you 230lb again Whitney, I promise.  2157 Book Read! Haikyu!! 6 by Haruichi Furudate This is currently my favorite 'catch-up-and-read-them-all' series, but I'm gonna say this is my least favorite volume so far. That just means it's a 4-star instead of a 5-star, though. 2156   Friday, July 22   Book Received. Entries from a Hot Pink Notebook by Todd D Brown Gotta love some classic gay 90s teen fiction. The tagline on the back says, "What if Holden Caulfield were coming of age--and coming out--in the Reagan years?" so I'm sure...

My Top 9 Stephen King Books | 2020 Update


let's talk about killing my tbr

 I have always had a large TBR pile; affectionately called the "book wall" for several years, it now more resembles a "book landfill." My fiancé trips over parts of it as he walks into my office. I have a second, smaller "book wall" (this one does actually resemble a wall) for the books I've received in 2022.  Since February, Steven (aforementioned fiancé) and I have had a "bet." He can't buy pop, I can't buy books. This is less of a bet and more of a way (that finally! fucking finally! works!) to stop me from buying more books, because every time there's a good pop sale I go "pass for a pass" which means he can utilize the sale and I can buy two books. There are a few exceptions. When I put out a book, I can of course get myself a copy. That's similar to Steven, if he decided to get crafty, being able to create his own soda-pop, I guess. If I need a book for work, I can buy it. I'm a high school English teacher ...