Showing posts from November, 2019
immediate tbr
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I don't do monthly TBRs or anything, but due to the nature of how fucking big the book wall is, I do tend to pull ten or so books at a time--so here's what I'm gonna be reading next. Tigerheart's Shadow by Erin Hunter This is part of my warrior cat re-read, moving on. Gemini Smile, Gemini Kill by Robert Lory I read The Revenge of Taurus not too long ago. Fucking loved with. Primo stupid cheesy eighties horror--hoping for the same from this one. Forever pissed off that this series only has four books instead of twelve, because if it's zodiac-themed, Robert, write all twelve. The Stranger Beside Me by Ann Rule No, I have not read this massively popular true crime book. What can I say, Bundy's never been one of my favorites--but it's also one of the most iconic true crime novels of all time, so I figure I might as well pick it up sooner rather than later. Fun fact, this edition is so old that it refers to Bundy in present tense, even on the back cov...
time management
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I am starting to realize just how much of an advantage my lack of a social life is ( was? ) when it comes to getting shit done creatively. Long story short, I'm seeing someone now, and I am suddenly finding that I don't have a million hours a day to do whatever I want whenever I'm at work? I mean, I still do, but people take up an awfully big amount of time, and I don't exactly want to be ignoring this loser to write. I mean, it's still pretty new, so, like, honeymoon phase, or whatever, and probably once we get used to it I'll be more willing to tell him to fuck off so I can work on stuff, but it's just--I don't think I've ever had 'great time management skills' like I used to say, I just never had any social obligations. Or any social... anything. I mean, I had friends and stuff, but I'm really fucking lazy about making plans and I'm honestly fine with like, not doing so--I like having time to do this shit. So, most of the time , ...
Aurora Writes | Days 64-66 | Drafting Book Four & Rewriting Book One
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fucking SLAYER
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If for some reason you haven't heard, like I guess if you haven't seen any of my social media posts at all, I went to fucking Slayer Sunday night. They were in Fargo, the weather was good, so I went. It's not that far of a drive, and I did wait a while before picking up my ticket, because I wanted to make sure the weather was good, and Phil Anselmo and Ministry and Primus all opened then holy fuck I was like. so close to fucking. tom araya??? and gary holt??? and kerry king??? and their drummer whose name i still don't know??? it's not dave lombardo anymore. It's still kind of wild to me, like I can't actually believe that I was so fucking close to these fucking thrash gods. It is insane. I almost died, probably. I was second row right behind the barricade. I've never seen so many battle vests in one place at one time before in my life. I've retired mine for the season and, honestly, I probably wouldn't take it to Slayer anyway, because it is...
reading watching listening
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reading: tiny pretty things by sona charaipotra&dhonielle clayton: a lot better than i thought it was going to be. or at least, i'm enjoying it more than i thought i would. lots of "what the fuckery" going on here, which is pretty chill. river of fire by erin hunter: yes we're still on those warrior cat re-reads. watching: i've been watching a lot of movies recently. most recent was i finally watched the crow which is just. the gothest thing i've ever seen so that's fun. dug all the one-liners and everything. it is kind of a shame that movie is overshadowed by tragedy because it sure is a fun one. listening: the soundtrack to this year's nano is a lot of pink floyd, so ive been listening to a lot of pink floyd. mostly "wish you were here" and "the division bell" but sometimes i go to "the wall" bc it's the fucking "wall." i have "dark side of the moon" coming in a tape lot so that...
the book wall. it grows.
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So I've hit a new high point on my book wall. I'm not going to say what it is, because it'll be shrunk by the first of December, when I will air my shameful amount of unread books that I own on Twitter, but it's definitely still going to be over 912, which was the previous high point. The reason is because I did a book haul, and so those books got added to the wall, and that's when I add them to the spreadsheet, and-- Yeah, I don't really think that the book wall is ever going to be completely depleted? I've been thinking about going on another book buying restriction. I think this only happens immediately after I add things to the book wall, because then I'm messing with those for literally like, two and a half hours and I'm a little worried that it's going to fall like, all the time, so-- I'm not sure! I might! Who fucking knows! Maybe I'll grab a notebook and like, I dunno-- But I don't really want to, and I'm actually ...
eBay Binge | August 2019 | Tapes, Tapes, and More Tapes
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november 7, 2011
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[NOTE: this is a legitimate journal entry that I wrote in 2011. Any names have been redacted, and sometimes I comment on 'what the fuck Aurora' in brackets/bold. In 2011 I was fourteen years old.] November 7, 2011 I do believe I'm an Athiest. [You are, but I don't know why you capitalized it.] Just thought I'd throw that out there. Why do I believe that? Well, yesterday in church, I was thinking about my NaNoWriMo. And how controversial it is. You know the fact that it's about Hell [this is now what I call my 'pet project--fun fact, 2011 was my very first NaNo, and my very first completed draft, ever] , and that the devil is a FAIRLY decent guy... and the fact that one of the main characters is bisexual [update: the main character I'm talking about here is the straightest kid alive, but in a twist, the one I had designed to be the prototypical 'Straight White Boy' is now uh, very much not so it's fun how characters evolve.] I was like...
so how is nanowrimo
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To put it simply, this has been the most difficult, teeth-pulling NaNo of my life thus far. I don't know what it is about this year. It started out pretty much the same as any other year, except for the fact that I'm not at school this year, and yes, I am a couple days ahead, but I just--the project is a dud, I think, which is a shame, because it was one that I've been considering a while. I am 11k in and already I've considered dropping and doing something else, or simply murdering the main character. I'm going to finish it. And maybe it's just not the right time for this project. Maybe I'll come back to it in a couple of years and be like, oh, yeah, all right, we can work with this. I'm noticing a new trend in my works where I've just gotten really into naming male side characters Izzy, which definitely has nothing to do with Guns'n'Roses. It takes place in the pre-smartphone days, because smartphones just make everything easier. There...